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Lee Chaolan

NameLee Chaolan
Fighting StyleMishima Style Fighting Karate & Martial Arts
Heihachi's adopted son and rival of Kazuya Mishima, Lee Chaolan.

Lee had entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament in disguise hoping to defeat Heihachi. He was quite surprised when his opponent turned out to be Kazuya Mishima, who was thought to be dead, and was defeated.

In the confusion surrounding the death of Heihachi, Lee was scheming to take over the Mishima Zaibatsu but was enraged when he learned that someone else had already beat him to it.

Lee, believing it was Kazuya who usurped the Mishima Zaibatsu, was vexed that Kazuya had once again stood in his way. A month later, the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 was announced and Lee immediately decided to enter.

Lee was determined to settle the score with Kazuya in the tournament and claim the Mishima Zaibatsu.

Lei Wulong

NameLei Wulong
Fighting StyleFive Style Chinese Martial Arts

Super detective Lei Wulong.

Lei once again made headlines after arresting several members of the Syndicate at the close of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4.

Lei soon became interested in a string of attacks on martial arts training halls throughout China and started an investigation into the matter. Among the victims were several reknowned Kung Fu masters that Lei knew personally.
Lei poured all of his effort into the investigation but the attacks stopped abruptly and the trail went cold.

One day Lei received a report that several similar attacks had occured on dojos in Japan. It was then that Lei began to suspect the events were linked and that the perpetrator would surely be at the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5.


Fighting StyleTae Kwon Do
Tae Kwon Do ace and rival of Jin Kazama, Hwoarang.

Hwoarang was taken into custody by the South Korean military during the last round of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, keeping him from his long awaited fight with rival Jin Kazama.

Hwoarang was taken to the Korean embassy where he was brought before the ambassador. "You have received an official pardon granting you immunity from charges related to this incident. Also, we have received urgent military papers addressed to you. Please read them immediately!"

After reading the papers Hwoarang stood up abruptly. "I can't believe it. Are you sure this is correct?"

Two months later, Hwoarang finishes his military service. With nothing holding him back, Hwoarang is free to persue a confrontation with Jin Kazama.

Bryan Fury

NameBryan Fury
Fighting StyleKick Boxing

In order to receive technological upgrades to his cybernetic body, Bryan entrusted himself to Dr. Boskonovitch and drifed into a deep sleep.

Upon regaining consciousness Bryan realized that his body remained unchanged. Dr. Boskonovitch explained that Bryan's body contained many complex machanisms that would require more time to be fully understood but he was able to install a perpetual power generator as an emergency measure.

"Perpetual power generator?... Incredible". Bryan exulted.

Bryan shoved Dr. Boskonovitch out of the way as he headed for the door. Several members of the Manji Clan try to stop him but are sent sprawling to the ground as Bryan leaves the secret base of the Manji Clan behind him.

A few days later, Bryan learns that the King of Iron Fist Tournament will be held again. Bryan decides to enter, thinking it is the perfect test of his newly installed perpetual power generator.

Heihachi Mishima

NameHeihachi Mishima
Fighting StyleMishima Style Fighting Karate
Head of the Mishima Zaibatsu and sponsor of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, Heihachi Mishima.

After losing to Jin Kazama, Heihachi was cornered by a group of Jack robots in Honmaru. Heihachi and Kazuya began to fight off the Jacks together but Kazuya fled and Heihachi was caught in the explosion when the Jacks detonated.

The tremendous exlosion would have killed a normal man but Heihachi, no ordinary man, managed to survive.

A month later, Heihachi learned that someone had taken control of the Mishima Zaibatsu and planned to hold the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. Heihachi, having fully recovered, was determined to enter the tournament.

"I don't know who's behind this but the Mishima Zaibatsu is mine!"

Nina Williams

NameNina Williams
Fighting StyleAssassination Techniques based on Bone Martial Arts and Akido

Her past still shrouded in mystery. Nina continued her life as a contract assassin.

Although Nina discovered that Steve Fox was her biological son after receiving information from the Syndicate, she remained emotionally unchanged.

Soon after, the Syndicate was taken down by Hong Kong detective Lei Wulong and Nina no longer had a motive for assassinating Steve. She instead decided to concentrate her efforts on uncovering her past. Nina believed that payiing her sister Anna a visit might help in recovering her memory.

Upon meeting up with Anna the two engaged in a fierce gun battle. The battle lasted for days but neither side was able to finish the standoff so it was decided that they would meet again at the recently announced King of Iron Fist Tournament 5.

Jin Kazama

NameJin Kazama
Fighting StyleTraditional Karate

in Kazama, son of Kazuya Mishima and Jun Kazama.

After the grueling battle between Kazuya and Heihachi Mishima, Jin takes flight, leaving Honmaru behind. He is overwhelmed by an evil presence and loses conciousness.

Jin wakes to an unknown voice and sees a mountiain forest, which appears to have been ravaged by a giant tornado.

However, Jin had no doubt that he was responsible for the destruction. Upon returning to Yakushima, Jin was plagued by reoccuring nightmares. Jin could feel the influence of the devil gene growing stronger.

"It is only a matter of time before I am completely overcome by the devil gene".

Although he has no direction, Jin begins his journey guided only by fate...